Dr. Jane A Hofbauer

Associate Fellow

LL.M. (University of Iceland), Dr. iur. (University of Vienna), is postdoctoral researcher at the Section for International Law at the University of Vienna. 

LL.M. (University of Iceland), Dr. iur. (University of Vienna), is senior researcher at the Section for International Law and International Human Rights Law at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

Dr. Hofbauer previously worked as post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Vienna and as a legal researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (Austria). She is the co-editor of the Austrian Review of International and European Law (ARIEL) and the first German-language journal on sustainable development law (Nachhaltigkeitsrecht. Zeitschrift für das Recht der nachhaltigen Entwicklung). Her research focuses on international dispute settlement and procedural law, international environmental law and sustainable development, and international human rights law.