LL.M. (Dhaka), LL.M. (CEU). 

Hafijul Islam Khan, is working on legal issues related to environment, natural resource management and climate change for the past 16 years. Mr. Khan is a climate negotiator and working with Least Developed Countries Group with the Bangladesh Delegation for last 12 years. He is leading Centre for Climate Justice-Bangladesh (CCJ-B), as the Director and teaches Environmental Law at North South University in Bangladesh. Mr. Khan is Research Fellow with Centre for Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) and also involved with Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Canada as a Senior Fellow. He is a member of IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law and also involved with Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW). Mr. Khan has LL.M degrees from University of Dhaka and Central European University (CEU). He has also completed a number of diplomas and short courses a number of reputed universities including the University of Oxford and published number of articles and book chapters on climate law and policy.